LEGION Simulator Help

Entering advanced filters

You may wish to apply advanced filtering when configuring a Spatial Object that filters; when setting up an analysis (see Setting Up Analyses; when creating an Entity Colour Scheme (see Creating Entity Colour Schemes or when tracking Entities by filter in a playback.

All these tasks use dialog boxes which share the same tools, options and layout (this screen shot is taken from the ‘Edit Analysis’ dialog).

There are two ways to enter an advanced filter: either use the four control boxes to build statements, or type directly into the filter window.

A note on the Boolean constant "TRUE"

The word “TRUE” in the filter window means that if you don't set any particular filter at this stage, the filter will capture all Entities. If you create a bespoke filter by using the filter control boxes and clicking the ‘Add’ button, then “TRUE” will be automatically deleted.

If you choose to type your filter directly (see Typing an advanced filter directly ), we recommend that you first delete “TRUE” from the filter window in order to avoid potential errors.